• What would you change if you had a magic wand?

    This is the first question I ask my clients.

    And it's what we work on using the Inner Compass.

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    Get your Inner Compass.

    Identifying and articulating Who You Are - your Purpose & Values - illuminates which elements of a situation are problematic for you - and the inner resources and aligned actions you meet them with.

    My Inner Compass Method articulates your purpose and values quickly and accurately. No externally imposed categories or labels; just your words and discerning analysis for a completely personalized approach.

    This mirror on your perspective provides clarity. Your actions and results will follow suit, transforming your experience into one of grounded growth.

  • Moving Forward

    Shani is one of those people who crosses your path

    - a magic elf, a fairy godmother, a fortune teller - she is all of these. Working with her is a constant pleasure; everything unfolds with finesse and mutual trust. She leads you to the right questions and opens your heart to the essence of you with kindness and humour. It's easy to get used to.

    Once she helps you unleash your energy, you move forward in life with a lighter heart, full of confidence in your unveiled potential.


  • Services



    Define your center - your Purpose and Values. Then, ask. If you had a magic wand, what would you ask for?

    At every session, get

    • The satisfaction of being seen
    • A refreshingly new perspective
    • Concrete, aligned actions to implement


    Business Partner Selection & Communication

    What if you could look under the hood and find out your partner's values? I can help you do that.

    • Reveal compatibilities and sources of tension.
    • Change the conversation from "A" or "B" to a discussion on what is truly important to each of you and both of you.
    • Get a new, shared outlook on Who You Are and Where You're Going, Together.

    Contact me for a personalized perspective on how your Inner Compass can move you forward.

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    Hi, I'm Shani.

    I care about navigating life - and how listening to ourselves and each other can help us do that. Clients and friends say my role can most closely be described as 'guide'.

    In my toolbox:

    • Words. I speak 4 languages (English, Spanish, French, Portuguese). I love grammar, phonetics, literature and theater.
    • Unwritten Rules. I've applied my study of cultural rules to individuals and groups (Masters' degree in Intercultural Management & Organization).
    • Uncertainty. I've had my share, as an expatriate, parent, and entrepreneur.
    • Authenticity. I create safe, caring environments where people can be and explore Who They Are.

  • Clarity in Uncertainty

    I sought Shani's guidance during a period of uncertainty in my personal and professional life, aiming to find a clearer direction and a sense of purpose. I greatly appreciate Shani's role in my life. Her insightful and empathetic nature has been instrumental in helping me understand myself better and in finding greater joy in my everyday activities. Shani has a unique talent for uncovering hidden strengths and fostering a deeper sense of self-awareness. Her approach is genuinely personalized, making our interactions not just helpful but deeply meaningful. Shani excels at asking thought-provoking questions that encourage reflection and personal insight, which has been valuable in guiding my decisions and directions. In times when I've faced challenges, Shani's support has been a constant source of strength. Her practical advice and encouragement have been key in helping me approach these situations with a more positive and resilient mindset. Thank you!


  • Reach Out

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    shani AT tuningpoints.com

    (old domain name, updated email address coming soon)

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    Message me

    on LinkedIn